Pēteris Vaganovs
Dr. P. Vaganovs - highly experienced urologist. Specializes in all medical procedures related to urology. In the clinic, Dr. Vaganovs performs laparoscopic and other urological operations / surgeries. Dr. Vaganovs is positive, sincere, with a good sense of humor, pedantic and working with high precision.
Education and qualification
- Internship in laparoscopy and endourology - in France, the Netherlands, Germany, the Czech Republic
- 2006 certificate in urology
- 2001 Doctor of Medicine from Riga Stradins University

Pēteris Vaganovs
Dr. P. Vaganovs - highly experienced urologist. Specializes in all medical procedures related to urology.
Education and qualification
- Internship in laparoscopy and endourology - in France, the Netherlands, Germany, the Czech Republic
- 2006 certificate in urology
- 2001 Doctor of Medicine from Riga Stradins University
Membership in societies and associations
President of the Latvian Association of Urologists
European Association of Urologists - Baltic Advisory Board
- Currently My Clinic Riga urologist (laparoscopic urological surgeries, vasectomy, circumcision, varicoceles, etc.)
- Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital
- Medical company "ARS"
- Latvian Maritime Medical Center